Last updated at Tue, 05 Mar 2024 13:45:00 GMT


Ray is an absolute hero to Bruins fans everywhere. 他在黑金队的21个赛季巩固了自己在波士顿体育史上的地位,并彻底改变了这项运动. He holds NHL records for goals, assists, 和 more for a defenseman. 雷无情的进攻和不知疲倦的防守帮助棕熊队控制了进攻面. 最重要的是,他穿的是7号和77号,让这种合作感觉像是天赐之缘.

In the spirit of our shared numeric connection, we’ve asked Ray to answer seven rapid questions about his time on the ice, 他在冰上工作, 以及他与Rapid7的合作.

What is your favorite memory of your days on the ice for the Bruins? (也许是你的前三名?)

Playing in Boston for 21 years, it’s hard to narrow it down to just one. There are a few moments from my time playing in Boston that really st和 out. One of those being my first game. That was the most surreal feeling, realizing that I had made it to the NHL, which had been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember.

另一个引人注目的夜晚是棕熊队的菲尔·埃斯波西托惊喜地退役了他的7号球衣,我们透露了我的新号码, 77. 那是一个特别的时刻.

An evening I will hold on to forever is the closing of The Garden. 比赛结束后,许多了不起的校友来到冰上,在花园冰上滑了最后一次冰. The last player they announced was Norm和 Leveille, who had suffered a brain aneurysm that ended his career. His dream was to skate one more time. 诺曼和我有一种特殊的关系,因为他来波士顿时不会说英语. 我们会成为室友, sit next to each other at dinner, he would order the same meals as me because he couldn’t underst和 the menu. 作为波士顿棕熊队的一员,能够带着他最后一次在花园冰上滑冰是我最喜欢的时刻之一.

今年是棕熊队百年纪念. What does 100 years of hockey history in Boston mean to you?

任何有机会为最初的6支球队之一效力的人都明白,历史和能量对一支球队的影响有多大. Making it 100 years is an incredible feat, 这样一个不可思议的城市支持一支球队这么长时间是令人印象深刻的. It speaks so much to the dedication of the fans, 所有权, 管理, 和 the culture built around the 波士顿棕熊. 我很感激能有机会在我21年的职业生涯中为原创6队效力,并在我职业生涯的大部分时间里成为这样一个独特而鼓舞人心的文化的一部分.


The NHL as a whole has done a great job at working on inclusivity, 如果没有每个团队和他们的支持者的支持,这个计划是不可能实现的,他们像Rapid7一样扩展了这些努力. 来自不同背景的许多人都在这项运动中取得了成功,它正在成为每个人都可以获得的东西. 新球队的成立和冰球运动的扩大,使冰球运动进入了许多新的地区. 这让孩子们在他们的社区中与冰球一起成长,并给他们机会梦想在NHL打球.

任何想要参与并享受冰球比赛的人,大门都是敞开的, 在任何层面上, 我认为这是非常重要的,因为在各个层次的运动中都有很多值得学习和借鉴的地方.

It's probably hard for you to imagine, 但请跟我们说一分钟:如果职业冰球从来没有成功过, what sort of career would you have liked to have?

I don’t know what I would do, you’re right, it’s hard to imagine. I never thought about doing anything else. At 13 years old, I started separating myself from my teammates. I found another gear in my development that allowed me to advance my skills, 和 at 15 years old I started playing up, joining a Junior’s team of 16-20 year old’s. That is when it became realistic to me that I could make it to the NHL.

如果我不是职业冰球运动员,我想我仍然会以某种方式参与体育运动. Sports were a huge part of my youth, 打曲棍球和棒球, 我希望我的教练和训练师对我产生的影响对年轻运动员产生同样的影响. I am not sure where that would have taken me, 但这是我热爱的事情,我愿意花时间在这上面.

作为体育界的传奇人物,你可以选择和哪些组织合作. Rapid7跟你说了什么?

From the beginning of our conversations, Rapid7 has come across with a great energy that stuck out to me. It is clear that this team is pulling in the same direction, 和 it just feels like a team you want to be on 和 a part of. 他们积极和包容的文化使它成为一个你乐于成为其中一员的环境. 最重要的是, 他们所做的对当今世界是如此重要,他们的工作真的可以改变世界.

您希望人们了解布尔克家族基金会最重要的方面是什么? 他们怎么能参与进来呢?

自从我18岁搬到波士顿以来,回馈社会一直是我家庭的重要组成部分. The 波士顿棕熊 are an extremely charitable team, 作为一个年轻的球员,我很快就通过我们作为一个团队所做的慈善活动融入了社区.

养家糊口, my wife 和 I instilled the same values in our children, 和 all of us have played our own part in giving back to our community. 布尔克家族基金会让我们走到一起,把我们的慈善事业结合起来. My family 和 I are truly passionate about the work we do, 从支持脊髓损伤患者到支持对抗ALS的持续倡议. 我们能够触及我们社区的许多不同部分和许多事业. 能把我们的孙子孙女也带进来,真是一种非常特别的感觉, 我期待着看到我们全家人对这项工作的热情和热爱能继续产生影响.

We have 3 core events that are a great way to get involved; the 7.7K Road Race, Bourque Golf, 和 The Captain’s Ball in honor of Pete Frates. 最重要的是, 还有一些第三方倡议,我们是其中的一部分,允许我们的社区筹集资金. If you’re getting involved with any of the Bourque Family Foundation events, we can promise you’ll have fun 和 we’ll raise good money while doing it.

随着冰球运动继续在北美和世界范围内进一步传播, 对于那些梦想从事这项运动并有朝一日进入NHL的有才华的年轻人,有什么建议吗?

The most important thing I can say is work hard 和 have fun. Believe in yourself 和 in your dream. 在你的职业道德和准备方面投入会让你走得更远,所以睁大眼睛和敞开耳朵也会让你走得更远. 从你周围发生的每件事中都可以学到很多东西. Hockey is a great game to be a part of, regardless of where it takes you. You can 学习 a lot of lessons about teamwork, 领导, 职业道德, 和 everything that comes with being a part of a team. Approaching the game being willing to work hard, 学习, 奉献会让你走得更远, 不管你在哪里结束.

结果出来了, NHL伟大的波士顿体育传奇雷·布尔克回答了Rapid7的7个快速问题. 如果你愿意,你也可以 了解更多 关于Ray和Rapid7如何合作支持冰球,并继续在各地消除网络威胁.